Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cheap and Easy Cultivation of Oyster Mushroom

Who does not know the fungus? This food is now becoming more popular, and the favorite choice of people so sensitive to health issues, obesity and so forth.

Once belonging to the vegetable, mushroom turns in calories, protein, and low carbohydrate. Therefore, do not hesitate to consume large amounts of mushrooms.

With the above considerations, the public is increasingly picking mushrooms as a food ingredient. Thus, the fungus has good market potential, since the need for fungal so is increasing.

Fungi commonly consumed in fresh condition, is processed into meal side dish. In addition, the fungus can also be processed into chips as an alternative snack that is low in calories, or preserved by drying

If you wish to undertake the cultivation of mushrooms, I suggest to choose the type of oyster mushrooms. Because the oyster mushroom has its advantages, one of which was able to grow at ordinary temperatures. This is what distinguishes the mushroom. Required for mushroom cultivation enclosed space that is warm and airtight.

Thus, the oyster mushroom has more advantages economically, because it can be done with inexpensive cultivation. Oyster mushroom cultivation because it does not require a sealed chamber, until we do not need to spend an additional investment to establish a nursery barracks.

Cheap Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

There are two main things we have to prepare than a place for oyster mushroom cultivation, namely seeds and cropping media. Seed and oyster mushroom growing media, now it is easily available in the form of baglog with prices ranging between 1800-2200 dollars per piece.

While levels of productivity ranged between 30-35 per cent, of the weight baglog. This means that if a baglog weighs 1 kg, then he has the potential to produce oyster mushrooms between 300-350 ounces. Potential results were obtained for the time period of cultivation. For his own oyster mushrooms, cultivation can be harvested once up to 9 times.

However, if you wish to make their own seeds, here are the tools and materials and how to make it.

Materials required to manufacture the seed is; sawdust, millet seeds (such as cereals), limestone (CaCO3), bran, and Gypsum (CaSO4). The necessary tools include; bottles, sieves, pralon, cotton, paper or aluminum foil and baglog, polybags or plastic.

Production Method
  • Sawdust soak overnight, then mix millet, with a ratio of sawdust: millet is 100: 42. Mixture is stirred until blended, then washed.
  • Boil the mixture for 30 minutes, then drain.
  • Once cool, add 1% lime, gypsum 1%, 15% bran. Maintain the moisture content in the range of 40-60 percent to keep a pH 7.
  • Enter baglog container, or bottle as much as 50-60 per cent and closed with cotton and bandage paper or aluminum foil.
  • Sterilize by boiling for 8 hours, or use a tool autoclave for 2 hours.
  • Mix the seeds with a ratio of 15 grams to 1 kg of seed medium.
  • Wait for 2-4 weeks for the incubation period. During this time do not forget to do the agitation against the media, the fungus can spread the seeds evenly. Please note the cleanliness and dryness of the fungus. Keep the temperature in the range of 22-28 degrees Celsius. Try not to have incoming light.
  • After the incubation period is complete which is characterized by color changes to white on the planting medium, seeds ready to be cultivated by opening and closing baglog baglog set on the shelf.
  • Water the open part baglog by spraying water. Do it regularly until the mushroom harvest ends. For once cultivation, oyster mushrooms can be harvested up to 9 times in 90 days.

If you do not have time to make their own seed and growing media, you can buy seeds and planting medium that is ready to be cultivated. Then you only specify the position of your house or yard, which you will use as a place for oyster mushroom cultivation. Well, good luck.

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